This website is owned, operated and maintained by or for Nippon Sanso Holdings Singapore Pte Ltd and its affiliate companies in Southeast Asia & India, hereinafter referred to as “Nippon Sanso”. By using this website (hereinafter the “Nippon Sanso Website”), you acknowledge you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the terms of use and the conditions outlined below.
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All information contained in Nippon Sanso Website, including but not limited to trademarks and logos, are protected by the copyright laws, trademark laws, conventions, and other legislation of the relevant country.
You may not reproduce, transmit, redistribute, modify, sell, publish, misappropriate, display, or otherwise use this information without the prior written consent of Nippon Sanso Singapore Pte Ltd and its affiliate companies, with the exception of private and personal use within the limitations explicitly permitted by law.
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The third parties’ websites (other than Nippon Sanso Website) linked to or from Nippon Sanso Website (“Linked Sites”) are independently operated and maintained by such third parties and are not under the control and/or supervision of Nippon Sanso.
Use of Linked Sites shall be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated by the operator of each of (said) Linked Sites. Nippon Sanso Singapore Pte Ltd and its affiliate companies would not be responsible for any loss or damage, howsoever caused, in connection with the use of any Linked Sites and your access to any of (said) Linked Sites shall be at your own risk.
Nothing contained in Nippon Sanso Website shall be interpreted as a recommendation and/or endorsement by Nippon Sanso of the contents of Linked Sites and any products and/or services appearing on and/or provided through such Linked Sites. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to constitute a partnership or the like between the operators of Linked Sites and Nippon Sanso.
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If you wish to set up a link to Nippon Sanso Website, you must inform Nippon Sanso in advance. When setting up a link to Nippon Sanso Website, please ensure that it is to the top page, as the URL of other pages may change or the page may be removed without notice.
Use of Nippon Sanso’s trademarks or logos in Linked Sites is prohibited, irrespective of purpose or period of use, without the prior consent of Nippon Sanso. Nippon Sanso accepts no liability for the content of Linked Sites, or for any loss incurred from their use.
Setting up a link from the following websites is prohibited:
- containing slander, defamation, threat, or invasion of privacy against Nippon Sanso or Nippon Sanso’s officers and employees,
- containing slander or defamation against Nippon Sanso’s products or services,
- containing information actually or likely to be contrary to applicable laws or regulations, or
- containing information actually or likely to be contrary to public order or morality.
When Nippon Sanso considers Linked Site to be in conflict with this rule, the link from such Linked Site to Nippon Sanso Website shall be deleted immediately upon Nippon Sanso’s request.
Ideas and Suggestions Received
Nippon Sanso does not accept or specifically invite from the public any original ideas or proposals (e.g., any ideas and/or concepts related to products, technologies, designs and marketing strategies including any memos, drawings, or related documents), via Nippon Sanso Website.
In no event shall Nippon Sanso have obligation to treat such ideas or proposals as confidential information or proprietary to the information provider. The duty to protect and safeguard the original ideas or proposal or intellectual property in any form shall rest with the information provider. In the event of Nippon Sanso adopting an idea or a proposal that is the same or similar (in whole or in part) to one sent via Nippon Sanso Website, Nippon Sanso is not liable for compensation or payment of any kind to the information provider.
Privacy Policy on Nippon Sanso Website
Please refer to the links for Privacy Policy on Nippon Sanso Website.
Prohibited Conduct
Please refrain from using Nippon Sanso Website for any of the following acts:
- to slander, defame, threaten or invade the privacy of others,
- to cause any damage or disadvantage to others,
- to disturb public order or morality,
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- to engage in any activities that are unlawful or prohibited by any applicable laws,
- to upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files that may damage the operation of others’ computers, or
- to engage in any other activities that Nippon Sanso deems inappropriate.
Disclaimers of Warranties
All information contained in Nippon Sanso Website shall be the latest information at the date and time of its publication. Nippon Sanso reserves the right to change without notice all content of Nippon Sanso Website and details of the products and services therein, and to amend these Terms of Use without notice at any time.
Nippon Sanso cannot guarantee to update and amend all information on Nippon Sanso Website at all times. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable laws, Nippon Sanso makes no representation and warranty, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, and/or safety of the contents of Nippon Sanso Website, and any representations and warranties relating thereto are expressly disclaimed.
Nippon Sanso shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of or accessing of Nippon Sanso Website.
Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction
These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the user resides or the services are provided, unless otherwise expressly provided. All controversies and disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use shall be submitted to the courts of first instance in the relevant jurisdictions, as determined by user’s location or the location of the service.
Questions on Terms of Use
Any questions regarding these Terms of Use should be sent to: