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Safety, our highest priority

The Company is committed to protecting the environment, safeguarding human life and dealing / handling safe products. These shall be integral to all of the Company’s business decisions.

The Company Shall


Adhere to applicable local laws for Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) along with the Corporate EHS requirements.


Strive to direct our operations and achieve productivity gains in a manner that does not expose our employees to unnecessary risk by providing them hygienic and safe work place.


Endeavor to develop, produce and sell products that can be handled, used and disposed off safely and in accordance with sound environmental practices.


Contribute to the protection of the environment by employing control mechanisms, procedures and processes that are technically sound and economically feasible.


Continuously improve our operations so as to minimize any negative impact it may have on the environment and on the health and safety of our employees and the community.

Employees and Visitors


Shall abide by the company’s Environment, Health and Safety policies and procedures and are encouraged to actively participate and provide inputs.


Shall notify the company of all incidents, accidents, near misses and hazards in the workplace.


Shall not conduct work that they consider being unsafe or / and has any adverse impact on the environment.

Safety Leadership: Every Day, Everywhere and Every Time

Safety Excellence Award

We are proud to announce that all five of our plants have received the prestigious Safety Excellence Award for outstanding achievements in preventing occupational accidents. This recognition reflects our unwavering commitment to safety and excellence from April 2021 to March 2024.

Safety SDS